OLED Screen

52.64 kr inc. VAT

A 0.91 inch 128 x 32 OLED screen for your keyboard build. This OLED screen is black with white characters and comes presoldered with 4 header pins.

Availability: In stock

SKU: 003 Category:

SSD1306 OLED displays are one of the most common in mechanical keyboard kits, and they’re what we recommend for the Litl keyboard kit and the Lagom keyboard kit. You can use it to display information about your keyboard, such as which layer is active, what modifiers you have or even graph your WPM over time.

This OLED communicates over I2C and should be powered with 5V. They are compatible with Pro Micro-based kits like the Litl and Lagom.

The 128×32 pixel version currently stocked is black and has white characters and is presoldered with 4 pins.

Weight 0.01 kg
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